Some people braved the cold sea and used the arch for a bit of cliff jumping..

Photographer Filip Gierlinski works as a full time professional in London and all over the UK on commercial, editorial and corporate photography commissions and assignments, and travels as Head of Global Photography at Frui Creative Holidays. This bog is a portfolio for Filip's latest work, both commissioned and personal, and so please enjoy the photographs.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
The Arch of Durdle Door, Dorset Coast
After a short visit to the Dorset Coast I have uploaded a few new Landscape and Feature photographs. This stunning location is called Durdle Door, along what is known as the Jurassic Coast, a natural arch carved away in the soft Limestone by years of waves and weather erosion. One day the arch will collapse, leaving a single stack out at sea. All along the coast there are small coves and beaches to discover and enjoy... when/if the summer ever properly arrives.